You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.3. Inventory - Purchase Order Creation > Creating a New Purchase Order

Creating a New Purchase Order

Use this procedure to create a new manual purchase order or sundry purchase order.


Micronet displays the Purchase Order Creation - Detail screen.

  1. In the Supplier Number field, enter the ID of the supplier you are creating the purchase order for. You can also press Tab or Enter key to select a supplier.


Technical Tip

If the supplier has been placed on hold, Micronet displays a message and will not allow you to create a purchase order for the supplier.

This applies when the supplier has been placed on hold in MDS – see "File - Supplier - Extra". It also applies when the creditor has been placed on hold in MCL – see "File - Creditor - Hold" – and the Creditors master file is set to update suppliers – see "Creditor Update Screen - Menu Options".

Micronet displays the Purchase Order Creation - Header screen.

For information about using this screen, see "Maintaining the Purchase Order Creation Header".